Diversity in STEM
Our R&O (research & outreach) toward Diversity in STEM involves
Research about STEM identities for communities of people who are underrepresented in STEM
Specifically, research and outreach with Black / African American, African, Latinx, Native American, and Deaf / Hard of Hearing communities in STEM
Research about gender identities in STEM
Research about communities of practice
Use of social media content as indicators of STEM identity trajectories
Participation with organizations that dive deeply into STEM engagement for underrepresented communities:
NSBE -- National Society of Black Engineers​
BIMS -- Black in Marine Science
SWE -- Society of Women Engineers
BiT -- Blacks in Technology
NBDA -- National Black Deaf Advocates
MESA -- Math Engineering and Science Achievement
Techqueria -- Latinx in Tech
Using STEM, where appropriate, for diverse community outreach and support​, such as the PR-Calma project in support of mental health outreach in Puerto Rico